List of legal services provided
by the Law Office of Augustin Procopovici
Legal advice
1. Consultations on the legislation of the Republic of Moldova
2. Explanations, information, and conclusions on legal issues
3. Consultations on the legal formalization of the activity, project, collaboration, etc.
4. Written consultations on issues that require a more complex approach
Legal documents
1. Formulation of claims, complaints, petitions, summons, etc.
2. Drawing up/modification of contracts
3. Legal analysis of the documents
1. Representation before public administration bodies
2. Appeal against the decisions or lack of actions of the public administration bodies
3. Assistance and representation in negotiations with third parties
4. Mediation of parties for complying with their legal interests by avoiding the trial
1. Assistance and representation in arbitration and common law courts, first instance, appeal, and recourse court
2. Assistance and representation during the stage of enforcement of judgments
3. Assistance and representation in the procedure of recognition and enforcement in the Republic of Moldova of judgments and arbitral awards rendered abroad
Criminal cases
1. Elaboration of the defense strategy
2. Assistance and representation before criminal prosecution bodies (Police, Anticorruption National Centre, Prosecutor’s Office, etc.);
3. Assistance and representation before the courts
4. Representation of damaged parties, formulation of civil actions for collecting the damage
European Court of Human Rights
1. Legal advice on the European Convention on Human Rights
2. Formulation and filing the application for referral to the European Court of Human Rights
3. Legal assistance and representation in amicable negotiations with the state
4. Assistance in the enforcement of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights
1. Inheritance and distribution of succession property
2. Establishing the acceptance of succession, extending the term of succession acceptance
3. Contesting the validity of the will
1. Divorce
2. Partition of property
3. Establishing the child-support payment (alimony)
4. Determining the domicile of the minor child
Debt collection
1. Submission of the demand for payment and representation at the pre-trial stage
2. Discussions with the debtor and explanation of possible consequences
3. Assistance and representation in the court
4. Assistance and representation during the enforcement stage
1. Assistance and representation before the insurance company
2. Assistance in recovering the compensation in case the insurer refuses to pay the compensation or refuses to pay the entire loss suffered
Commercial law
1. Advice on legal registration of business
2. State registration of companies
3. State registration of amendments to incorporation documents and data entered in the State Register of Legal Entities
4. Legal assistance in preparation and carrying out of the meetings of statutory bodies
5. Legal assistance regarding the rights of shareholders, founders, associates
6. Legal assistance in the reorganization of the commercial company
7. Striking-off of the commercial company from the State Register of Legal Entities
Licenses and authorizations
1. Obtaining the license from the competent authority
2. Obtaining the authorizations/approvals from the central public administration bodies
3. Obtaining authorizations/approvals from the local public administration bodies (Chisinau municipality)
Human Resources
1. Completion of employment documents
2. Completion of documents on employment termination
3. Documenting the case of a disciplinary offense
4. Development of internal regulations, collective labor contract, job instructions, the staff list
5. Elaboration of orders
6. Elaboration of special clauses (fidelity, confidentiality)
Intellectual property
1. Registration of the mark
2. Registration of the trademark comprising the official name
3. Copyright registration
4. Registration of industrial designs
5. Registration of agreement on license, assignment, pledge, franchising
Right of residence/work
1. Granting/extending the right of temporary residence of foreign citizens
2. Temporary residence permits for labor immigration
Public procurement
1. Legal assistance in the process of conducting public procurement procedures
2. Challenging the results of public procurement procedures
Real estate
1. Analysis of documents confirming the real rights related to real estate
2. Analysis/drafting of contracts for the purchase/sale, mortgaging, donation, and rental of real estate
3. Legal assistance in purchasing/sale of real estate
4. Registration of real rights (mortgage, superficies, usufruct, use, abduction, servitude, etc.)
5. Registration of the rent of the real estate
6. Recording the changes in the real estate register